Next-Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers
The Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers (NGLSE or “NextGen”) Group is an assemblage of graduate students, post-docs, and early career scientists and engineers who have a passion and vision for lunar science and exploration and who are the future lunar workforce for NASA, academia, and industry.
NextGen provides professional development through workshops and career training, and offers a support network for young lunar scientists and engineers.
The primary purpose of NextGen is to provide guidance and networking opportunities to early career lunar students and professionals, as well as to foster collaboration with other groups within the lunar community.
Ultimately, NextGen will provide NASA with a workforce that is focused on and experienced with the integration of science and engineering as it pertains to human and robotic lunar exploration-enabled science. The NextGen group strives to keep the Moon at the forefront of discussion for future Solar System exploration, but we welcome members from all fields of planetary science.
Join our Google Group email list, NextGenLunar, by sending an email to
and responding to the automatically generated email to confirm.
Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University